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Base UI components are all available as a single package.

npm install @base-ui-components/react

Once you have the package installed, import the component.

import { Accordion } from '@base-ui-components/react/accordion';


Accordions are implemented using a collection of related components:

      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle one</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel one content</Accordion.Panel>
      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle two</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel two content</Accordion.Panel>


Each Accordion.Item is represented by a value, which by default is its zero-based index by DOM position. The first Item has an implicit value of 0, the second one Item a value of 1, and so on.

The open state of the accordion is represented an array holding the values of all open Items.

You can optionally specify a custom value prop on Item:

  <Accordion.Item value="one">
      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle one</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel one content</Accordion.Panel>
  <Accordion.Item value="two">
      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle two</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel two content</Accordion.Panel>

Default value

When uncontrolled, use the defaultValue prop to set the initial state of the accordion:

<Accordion.Root defaultValue={[0]}>
  <Accordion.Item {/* `value={0}` by default */}>
      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle one</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel one content</Accordion.Panel>
  <Accordion.Item {/* `value={1}` by default */}>
      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle two</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel two content</Accordion.Panel>

// with custom `value`s
<Accordion.Root defaultValue={['a']}>
  <Accordion.Item value="a">
      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle one</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel one content</Accordion.Panel>
  <Accordion.Item value="b">
      <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle two</Accordion.Trigger>
    <Accordion.Panel>Panel two content</Accordion.Panel>


When controlled, pass the value and onValueChange props to Accordion.Root:

const [value, setValue] = React.useState(['a']);

return (
  <Accordion.Root value={value} onValueChange={setValue}>
    <Accordion.Item value="a">
        <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle one</Accordion.Trigger>
      <Accordion.Panel>Panel one content</Accordion.Panel>
    <Accordion.Item value="b">
        <Accordion.Trigger>Toggle two</Accordion.Trigger>
      <Accordion.Panel>Panel two content</Accordion.Panel>


Only one Item open at a time

By default, all accordion items can be opened at the same time. Use the openMultiple prop to only allow one open item at a time:

<Accordion.Root openMultiple={false}>{/* subcomponents */}</Accordion.Root>

At least one Item remains open

Use controlled mode to always keep one Item open:

const [value, setValue] = React.useState([0]);

const handleValueChange = (newValue) => {
  if (newValue.length > 0) {

return (
  <Accordion.Root value={value} onValueChange={handleValueChange}>
    {/* subcomponents */}


Use the orientation prop to configure a horizontal accordion. In a horizontal accordion, focus will move between Accordion.Triggers with the Right Arrow and Left Arrow keys, instead of Down/Up.

<Accordion.Root orientation="horizontal">{/* subcomponents */}</Accordion.Root>


Use the direction prop to configure a RTL accordion:

<Accordion.Root direction="rtl">{/* subcomponents */}</Accordion.Root>

When a horizontal accordion is set to direction="rtl", keyboard actions are reversed accordingly - Left Arrow moves focus to the next trigger and Right Arrow moves focus to the previous trigger.

Hidden state

<Accordion.Panel />s are unmounted from the DOM by default when the component is closed. You can use the keepMounted prop to to keep them mounted when closed, and instead rely on the hidden attribute to hide the content:

<Accordion.Root keepMounted>{/* accordion items */}</Accordion.Root>

Alternatively keepMounted can be passed to Accordion.Panels directly to enable this for only one Item instead of the whole accordion.

Improving searchability of hidden content

This is not yet supported in Safari and Firefox as of August 2024 and will fall back to the default hidden behavior.

Content hidden by Accordion.Panel components can be made accessible only to a browser's find-in-page functionality with the hiddenUntilFound prop to improve searchability:

<Accordion.Root hiddenUntilFound>{/* accordion items */}</Accordion.Root>

When hiddenUntilFound is used, Accordion.Panels will remain mounted even when closed, overriding the keepMounted prop on the root or the panel.

Alternatively hiddenUntilFound can be passed to Accordion.Panels directly to enable this for only one Item instead of the whole accordion.

We recommend using CSS animations for animated accordions that use this feature. Currently there is browser bug that does not highlight the found text inside elements that have a CSS transition applied.


Accordion uses Collapsible internally, and can be animated in a similar way.

Three states are available as data attributes to animate the Accordion.Panel:

The component can be animate when opening or closing using either:


The Accordion.Panel element receives the following CSS variables about its dimensions, which can be used to style animations or transitions:

CSS Animations

CSS animations can be used with two declarations:

.AccordionPanel {
  overflow: hidden;
  animation: slideUp 300ms ease-in;

.AccordionPanel[data-open] {
  animation: slideDown 300ms ease-out;

@keyframes slideDown {
  from {
    height: 0;
  to {
    height: var(--accordion-panel-height);

@keyframes slideUp {
  from {
    height: var(--accordion-panel-height);
  to {
    height: 0;

CSS Transitions

When using CSS transitions, styles for the Panel must be applied to three states:

.AccordionPanel {
  overflow: hidden;
  /* The final styles once closed/exited  */
  height: 0;
  transition: height 300ms ease-in;

/* The final styles once opened/entered */
.AccordionPanel[data-open] {
  height: var(--accordion-panel-height);
  transition: height 300ms ease-out;

/* The initial styles when opening/entering */
.AccordionPanel[data-entering] {
  height: 0;

JavaScript Animations

Use the keepMounted prop lets an external library control the mounting, for example framer-motion:

function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState([0]);
  return (
    <Accordion.Root value={value} onValueChange={setValue} keepMounted>
              animate={open ? 'open' : 'closed'}
              exit={!open ? 'open' : 'closed'}
                open: {
                  height: 'auto',
                  transition: { duration: 0.3, ease: 'ease-out' },
                closed: {
                  height: 0,
                  transition: { duration: 0.3, ease: 'ease-in' },
                  transitionEnd: { display: 'revert-layer' },
          This is the content
      {/* more accordion items */}

API Reference


animatedbooltrueIf true, the component supports CSS/JS-based animations and transitions.
classNameunionClass names applied to the element or a function that returns them based on the component's state.
defaultValuearrayOf0The default value representing the currently open Accordion.Item This is the uncontrolled counterpart of value.
disabledboolfalseIf true, the component is disabled.
hiddenUntilFoundboolfalseIf true, sets hidden="until-found" when closed. Accordion panels will remain mounted in the DOM when closed and overrides keepMounted. If false, sets hidden when closed.
keepMountedboolfalseIf true, accordion panels remains mounted when closed and is instead hidden using the hidden attribute. If false, accordion panels are unmounted when closed.
loopbooltrueIf true, focus will loop when moving focus between Triggers using the arrow keys.
onValueChangefuncCallback fired when an Accordion section is opened or closed. The value representing the involved section is provided as an argument.
openMultiplebooltrueWhether multiple Accordion sections can be opened at the same time
renderunionA function to customize rendering of the component.
valuearrayOfThe value of the currently open Accordion.Item This is the controlled counterpart of defaultValue.


classNameunionClass names applied to the element or a function that returns them based on the component's state.
disabledboolfalseIf true, the component is disabled.
onOpenChangefuncCallback fired when the Collapsible is opened or closed.
renderunionA function to customize rendering of the component.


classNameunionClass names applied to the element or a function that returns them based on the component's state.
renderunionA function to customize rendering of the component.


classNameunionClass names applied to the element or a function that returns them based on the component's state.
renderunionA function to customize rendering of the component.


classNameunionClass names applied to the element or a function that returns them based on the component's state.
hiddenUntilFoundboolfalseIf true, sets hidden="until-found" when closed. Accordion panels will remain mounted in the DOM when closed and overrides keepMounted. If false, sets hidden when closed.
keepMountedboolfalseIf true, accordion panels remains mounted when closed and is instead hidden using the hidden attribute. If false, accordion panels are unmounted when closed.
renderunionA function to customize rendering of the component.
